4-H Youth Development


Diane Kussman

Diane Kussman
4-H Program Manager

Belleville Office

Brianna Hake

Brianna Hake
4-H Program Manager

Concordia Office

Melissa Baxter

Melissa Baxter
4-H Program Manager

Clay Center Office

Brooke Ohlde

Brooke Ohlde
4-H Program Manager

Washington Office

4-H Youth Development

4-H is a nationwide program led by state land-grant universities in cooperation with local county/district extension councils. In Kansas, 4-H is the largest youth educational program, aside from public schools. Each of the four H's on the clover represent ways youth can grow and develop in 4-H.

  • Head: critical thinking, problem solving
  • Heart: self-discipline, integrity, communication
  • Hands: serving others
  • Health: choosing healthy lifestyles

4-H is open to youth between the ages of 7 and 18 as of January 1st. 5 and 6 year olds have the option to become Cloverbud Members. The 4-H year runs from October 1st to September 30th. 4-H offers 47 different projects for youth to explore. 4-H is a community of young people across America who are learning leadership, citizenship, and life skills.

In the River Valley District, we have 25 Community Clubs and 1 Project Club. There are currently 519 youth enrolled in 4-H in our district.