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Cloverbuds (5-6 year olds)

Welcome to the River Valley District. The 4-H Staff is thrilled to have you and your family as a part of our growing 4-H community.

We are pleased to offer 4-H Cloverbuds, a free educational program designed specifically for youth ages five and six (as of January 1). Children of this age have distinctive learning characteristics and developmental needs that are different from older youth who participate in 4-H.

Cloverbud Welcome Packet

Each Cloverbud member receives a Cloverbud handbook at the beginning of the 4-H year. This interactive book is designed to educate our younger youth. Please make sure to take your handbook to Club meetings, so you can complete the monthly activities with your leader.

To access the Cloverbud handbook in your county, please click on the appropriate link below: