About River Valley Extension District
The River Valley District is a unit of K-State Research & Extension through Kansas State University in Manhattan, Kansas.
In 2005 Clay, Cloud, Republic and Washington County Extension Programs combined to form the River Valley Extension District.
The Staff includes 9 Extension Agents, 4 Office Professionals, 4 4-H Program Managers, and a SNAP Nutrition Educator.
16 Board Members are elected at general public elections for 4 year terms with 4 individuals from each county.
Meet our Staff and our Board Members!
Board Meetings - the Governing Board of the River Valley Extension District meets the third Monday of each month at 7:30 p.m. to conduct the regular business of the District. The Board typically meets at the Senior Center in Clyde, KS. Members of the public that wish to attend the meeting are encouraged to contact the District Extension Director by calling any River Valley District Office for updated meeting details and to be placed on the agenda.