Gray for a Day

Gray for a Day is a simulation experience that utilizes an empathic approach to educate individuals on the age-related sensory and functional challenges that some older adults might face.

This program can be adapted and made fun for people of all ages (including youth and older adults), skill levels, professions, and group sizes. Typically, this presentation is 60 minutes.

This program has been successfully facilitated with the following groups (among others):

  • 4-H youth (you might consider implementing this activity before engaging in a senior service project or visiting a long-term care facility)
  • Middle school, high school, and college classrooms
  • CNA, LPN, pre-med, and students in a variety of medical professions
  • Staff of long-term care facilities, home-based services, and hospice organizations
  • Staff and users of senior centers


Request a lesson by contacting Jordan Schuette, Adult Development and Aging Agent via email at or by phone at 785-325-2121.